Friday, April 1, 2022

Nadi Texts - A Note

 I've written here about Desani's Nadi Texts which contain certain prophecies. These he elected not to emphasize saying it was vulgar to pursue such. The texts were more in the way of instilling love of the Lord, of Bhakti, in the form of letters from divine beings interested in Desani's life particularly. But they did contain predictions about future events, some profound in their implications. I take it that these were issued as acts of benevolence to in some way help the Bhaktas. They were extremely vague, carefully avoiding easily interpreted time frames.


Not every prediction made it into my notes. I am writing this about one that did not. Its been many years now but I distinctly recall the Nadi writers saying that there would be a world transformation away from wars involving military conflict. We have witnessed this in our time. Great battles are still being waged but the conflicts now are dominated by weaponized economic sanctions. Whether this will continue is questionable but for the last few years it has definitely been the case. I certainly don't pretend to know being just an observer like everyone else. As stated elsewhere neither do I know that the Nadi Texts were what they were said to be by those responsible for transmitting them to Professor. I do affirm, again, that he took them faithfully trusting in the veracity of the providers, real people with whom he corresponded regularly. They were said to be his property. I recall it was also said he would know what to do with them.

The texts were beautiful to hear. One had the sense of divine presence, of being in grace. Here was a true Jagatguru sharing with his intimate friends correspondence from great beings. The benevolence was palpable, undeniable, real. There were no exhortations, dire warnings of consequences of wrong acts, yet, taken together you couldn't help but notice they were life enhancing, uplifting.


It is also worth noting at this point that the texts said that government will do anything they want and that the people would get very angry.

Fear of the unknown is very powerful. One can possibly be taken over, owned, by such. Many treat prophecy as an escape mechanism using it to relieve themselves of the necessity to take full responsibility for their lives. We should treat what we live as discovery rather than fate. I think Professor would agree with this.

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